Last week former heavyweight champion of the world Mike Tyson uploaded a video on his social media account of hitting pads. The video quickly went viral as he was seen smashing the pads hard and looking extremely fast for 53-years old.
Now a similar and a longer form of the video has been released and Mike Tyson is legit looking scary for his age. Rafael Cordeiro of Kings MMA is seen holding the pads for Tyson and the former champion is digging those punches hard.
Here’s the full video of Mike Tyson hitting pads:
Mike Tyson fights hasn’t lost his touch according to trainer
Rafael Cordeiro, who is the trainer seen holding the pads in this video said last week that Mike Tyson hasn’t lost his touch. Cordeiro has trained many UFC champions and said that Mike has the same speed as guys that are 21 and 22 years old. Mike Tyson was butchering the pads even if he hadn’t hit pads in over a decade.
“I didn’t know what to expect,” Rafael Cordeiro told Ariel Helwani. “He hasn’t hit mitts for almost 10 years. So I didn’t expect to see what I saw. I saw a guy with the same speed, same power as guys 21, 22 years old.”
The recent video clips have also resulted in Mike Tyson getting lucrative offers from different organizations around the world. Australian rugby player and professional boxer Sonny Bill Williams also showed interest in fighting Tyson. He also received guaranteed $20 Million to fight under the Bare Knuckle Boxing banner.
“The excitement the whole world was getting from Mike’s training videos, led us to make him an offer,” Feldman said to MMA Fighting in an interview. “He’s a legend and it’s just an honor to be able to talk with his team.
“We will see where things go from here, it will be an honor to work with Mike in any scenario.”
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