The MMA India Show has partnered with Indian Combat League as the official media partner for the upcoming ICL Season 2, which is going to take place on 16th and 17th July in Meerut at the CCS University.
The second edition of the ICL will feature Amateur and professional matches. The registrations are open and the last date to register is June 25.
There will be Seven professional bouts in ICL Season 2 and the ICL promoters expect over 100 athletes to take part in this tournament.
The MMA India Show had the opportunity to chat with RK Bharat about the upcoming ICL 2 event.
“This is our second event, the first event was launched in Greater Noida and in that event as well we had 100+ participants. ICL 1 was totally an amateur event, but in ICL 2, we will have professional bouts as Pro Series. The athletes that have been regularly participating in ICL events, we will select for our upcoming Fight Night shows which will be a cash prize event. In Fight Night Shows, we will take care of all the needs of our athletes. Be it traveling, accommodation and fooding,” RK Bharat said.
The registrations for Season 2 are ongoing and the athletes will be charged INR 2000.
Athletes can register on 9897939380