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The Nevada Athletic Commission will no longer punish athletes for marijuana use

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In a historic decision, the Nevada State Athletic Commission will no longer be suspending fighters for Marijuana use.

Nevada State Athletic Commission allows Marijuana use

The Nevada State Athletic Commission has always been the most disciplined and strict commission for MMA fighters. They have always been the most obedient when it comes to following the rules. Most suspensions that UFC fighters usually get for restricted actions are sanctioned by NSAC. Recently UFC and USADA announced that they are changing their anti-doping policy and will no longer suspend athletes for using Marijuana.

Before this UFC fighters were tested for Marijuana during and before the fights and there use to be a limit for the amount of THC that could be present in the body. However, no such limit is present under new rules, and neither will the athletes be penalized.

Nevada Athletic Commission changes its rule for Marijuana

UFC star Nate Diaz lights up marijuana joint during open workout

On this Wednesday, the governing body that oversees combat sports events in the state of Nevada voted to approve an amended anti-doping policy, which excludes marijuana use or detection as punishable offenses.

“According to the World Anti-Doping Agency, WADA considers marijuana to be a substance of abuse, not a performance-enhancing drug,” Bob Bennett said. “I think our goal is to test for performance-enhancing drugs to ensure a level playing field. The fact that it is not a performance-enhancing drug, I do not believe we should test for it any longer.”

While fighters won’t be punished for marijuana, the Nevada commission will continue to test for it over the next six months for “internal purposes,” using it compared to its ongoing brain studies. In six months, the commission will vote on an extension of the testing.

“If we don’t test for it, we lose a significant amount of data over a significant period of time that may be educational to the commission and its doctors,” commissioner Anthony Marnell said on the call.

Newly elected chairman Stephen Cloobeck added, “I think we’re opening ourselves up to, potentially, a lawsuit with anything like this that we vote on. That’s just my opinion, my experience, (and) my life, because you can sue anyone for anything.”

Jeff Novitzky

Nevada’s decision was applauded by Jeff Novitzky, the UFC’s senior vice president of athlete health and performance.

“How about that! NSAC no longer sanctioning for marijuana,” Novitzky wrote on Twitter. “Crazy that in my tenure with UFC I’ve seen NSAC try to suspend Nick Diaz for life for marijuana, to this. Big credit to Exec Director Bob Bennett for spearheading this change. Just don’t show up to fight impaired!”

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The Nevada Athletic Commission will no longer punish athletes for marijuana use - NevadaThe Nevada Athletic Commission will no longer punish athletes for marijuana use - NevadaThe Nevada Athletic Commission will no longer punish athletes for marijuana use - NevadaThe Nevada Athletic Commission will no longer punish athletes for marijuana use - NevadaThe Nevada Athletic Commission will no longer punish athletes for marijuana use - Nevada

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