As the first round begins, Curran opens with a body kick but Albu catches and pushes her to the cage. Albu lands nice combos and pulls her into guard, where Curran moves to take her back. They scramble and get back up where Albu takes her down again to land a hard elbow to Curran’s face. Second round opens and Albu picks up the pace by landing strikes and taking Curran down. Albu is taking Curran down on her will but an illegal upkick by Curran has referee step in and pause the fight. Fight resumes and Albu continues to land shots to the body, while Curran tries for an unsuccessful takedown at the end of round. Third round begins and Curran shows sense of urgency as she rushes forward to land some heavy punches. They go back and forth on the stand up but Curran gets taken down again. Final round ends in the favour of the Russian as the judges score a unanimous decision.
Carneiro opens the first round with a quick jab and a low kick which Ortega responds with a right hook. They both exchange heavy leather with an engaging back and forth action until an eye poke to Carnerio pauses the fight for a while. In the last moments of the round, Ortega lands a beautiful jumping knee. In the second round, Carneiro starts to find his range with his punches and kicks as he lands a right head kick that shakes Ortega. A few body shots land for Ortega who has Carneiro in the back pedalling. In the final seconds, Carneiro lands a takedown ending the round in his favour. In the third round, Ortega gets moving and lands more of his body shots, right cross and jabs. Ortega gets a single leg as he tries for the takedown but as they land to the mat, Ortega gets hold of Carneiro’s neck and moments later sinks a deep guillotine choke which forces Carneiro to tap.
With this fight scheduled at a catchweight, Renan Barao came in 5 pounds weight advantage over Aljamain Sterling. As the round opens, both the fighters land kicks on each other. Barao goes for a high kick as Fukmaster slips and catches him with a failed takedown attempt. Barao gets the better and takes the half guard position as the first round comes to an end. Aljamain opens with a spinning elbow and left head kick. Barao lands his own leg kick knocking Aljamain to the ground and goes in for a choke set up. Aljamain realizes he’s in for a fight and pushes Barao back to the cage, get the back and takes Barao to the mat. He has a dominant position as he lands punches sending Barao in a defensive mode. Aljamain lands heavy elbows from the guard and opens a cut on Barao’s face to end the second round. In the third, Aljamain hurts Barao with front kick and starts picking apart Barao with jabs. There’s nothing much that Barao can do and Aljamain knows he’s winning the round and keeps the former champ at bay. Judges score a unanimous decision (30-26, 29-27, 29-28) in favour of Aljamain.
It took only just one round for Lamas to get his hand raised as he neatly put away Jason Knight at 4:34 mark of the first round. As the round began, Lamas went for a double leg and completes it. Knight goes for a rubber guard, Lamas lands heavy punches. Knight is on wobbly legs as Lamas keeps on pouring the series of strikes until he drops Knight to the ground in a survival mode. The referee has seen enough and steps in to stop the fight.
In the main event opener fight the #3 British banger goes against Volkan. Volkan starts with a lead hook and then clinches Manuwa who pushes towards the cage. Manuwa looks bit relaxed in the clinch while Volkan looks for an opening. Volkan lands a quick left uppercut then a left hook that stuns Manuwa, who now back pedals sensing he’s in danger. Volkan smells blood and leaps forward to land a vicious lead left hook. Manuwa is now on the mat completely devastated as Volkan only needs a heavy right hand to put him to sleep. Volkan makes a huge statement by stopping Manuwa.
As the bell goes off, Robbie charges forward and starts to unload combinations on Cerrone who knew something of this sort was coming towards him. Robbie is all over the place, they both clinch and Robbie lands short elbows, hooks and uppercuts but Cerrone is maintaining his composure. They both separate and Robbie lands some combos. Cerrone’s right eye is badly hurt but he continues to take the hits and starts responding by his own elbows. The first round is mostly being played in the clinch. Cerrone’s second takedown attempt materializes and takes Robbie down. Closer to the end of round, Cerrone lands a huge head kick. A close round for the judges to call. In the second round, Robbie is completely drained off and unable to catch up with Cerrone. Surprisingly he lands only 3 strikes as the round goes in favour of Cerrone. It’s a third round resurgence for Robbie as he comes back with the same aggression in the first. Beautiful combinations from Cerrone, as Robbie still moves forward. It’s a close round as Robbie lands 29 strikes and Cerrone lands 31. A very close fight to call but the judges give a unanimous decision win for Ruthless Robbie Lawler.
Cris Cryborg drops Tonya Evinger right away as the first-round opens. This fight is not going to championship rounds that’s for sure. It’s only a matter of time until the resilient Tonya gives up the punishment from the legend. For three full rounds, Cyborg battered Tonya with punches, head kicks and dropped her numerous times. But the Invicta FC champ kept coming back up just to show how her toughness. With each round, Cyborg only increased her onslaught as she defended the take downs from Tonya. With the win, Cris Cyborg extends her win streak to 18 wins and continues to be at the top of the food chain. The only two possible opponents for her are GDR and Megan Anderson.

The elite jiu jitsu of Demian Maia fell short against the wrestling of the former University of Missouri wrestler Tyron Woodley. For full five rounds, Maia attempted takedown after takedown but Tyron Woodley wanted none of them. By the end of the fight, Maia’s knees were all bruised up, his both eyes swollen and bleeding while Woodley escaped un scathed. Maia came out all aggressive in the first round pushing forward and pressing Woodley back to the fence. Short quick punches from the clinch had Maia’s left eye damaged. Despite unable to see clearly, Maia was clear of his game plan of taking Woodley down and imposing his Jiu Jitsu, but the champ had also trained for take down defences. Woodley’s strategy might not have gone well with the crowd but he clearly won the five rounds unanimously.
The biggest rivalry has come to an end…at least from the new champion Jon Jones’ side. A spectacular fight performance by both the light heavyweights in the main event of the night. Round 1 begins and both the fighters start swinging at each other. Cormier catches Jones with a quick upper cut that sends his mouth guard away. Jones gets a takedown but Cormier gets back up. They exchange punches and kicks landing one after another making it look like an even round. In Round 2, Jones starts showing his brilliant reach and fight IQ as he finds the range with knees. A head butt leads to a cut on Cromier, but he comes back into the fight. Cormier trips Jones from the clinch as the round ends. Another close round for both. Round three begins with Jones landing a big left hook to Cormier’s body. Cormier looks a bit slowed down and boom comes a head kick that stuns Cormier who is now in all sorts of trouble and gets tripped on the ground. Jones unleashes heavy strikes to the side of the head as McCarthy steps in to stop the fight. Jones wins via TKO.
Drew Dober defeated Joshua Burkman via KO (Punch) in the first round
Jarred Brooks defeated Eric Shelton via Split Decision (29-28, 29-28, 28-29)
Calvin Kattar defeated Andre Fili via Unanimous Decision (30-27, 30-27, 30-27)