The daughter of UFC heavyweight Walt Harris has been missing since last month. 19-year old Aniah, of Auburn, Alabama was last heard from on Wednesday, October 23, 2019, when she talked to her friend around midnight.
She was last seen in a convenient store with Ibraheem Yazeed who is currently in custody in Lee County, Ala., and has been charged with kidnapping. Now the UFC heavyweight has appeared on national television where he gave updates regarding her missing stepdaughter. Walt Harris believes that his daughter was set up for kidnapping.
“There’s a lot of things that don’t make sense to us. It seems like it was actually set up and it was something that was planned,’’ Walt Harris said on “ The Dr Phil Show”.
Walt’s partner Angela Harris said that she believes that Aniah knew the perpetrator who kidnapped her.
“Personally, I feel that if it was a set-up, it was someone that knew Aniah and that knew her well and it’s someone that would be running with those type of people,’’ she said.
The police later revealed also that Aniah Blanchard may have possibly suffered a life-threatening injury.
Watch the Harris’ appearance on The Dr. Phil Show in the video linked below.