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Why a Mouthguard is so Important for MMA

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Jay Rock
Jay Rock
MMA, Boxing, NBA, Cricket, Betting
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MMA is not for the faint at heart. This full-contact combat sport requires guts, determination, fearlessness, and a high pain threshold. Given the nature of MMA, mouthguards are compulsory for all fighters. To protect yourself from the dangers of MMA a good mouthguard is a must when stepping into the octagon, simply using any mouthguard for the sake of having one is not recommended. 

Injury Protection 

The injury rate amongst MMA fighters is estimated to be at 23% which is higher than the injury rate of other combat sports such as judo, taekwondo, and professional boxing. More than half of the injuries sustained by MMA fighters are to the head. In terms of dental injuries, 59% are tooth fractures. When we look at these stats it is very easy to see why a good mouthguard is so important for MMA fighters.


Dental injuries can be very dangerous but more importantly, dental work is expensive. The majority of people don’t have dental insurance or they have very limited dental insurance which means that dental work is normally an out of the pocket expense. 

Peace of mind 

MMA fighters have very strong mindsets. Fear isn’t a word that normally gets used in the same sentence as an MMA fighter, but just because they are fearless doesn’t mean that they don’t have concerns. 

MMA fighters are concerned about their safety and a good mouthguard allows them to fight without having any serious concerns about protecting their teeth and mouth against serious injury as a result of the fight. The peace of mind provided by a good mouthguard for MMA is about more than protection, it also allows the fighter to step into the octagon with confidence knowing that they are protected. 


Mouthguards are notorious for being bulky and uncomfortable. In addition to being uncomfortable, the wrong mouthguard can also have a serious effect on your breathing. MMA requires intense focus and concentration, one small slip up can shift the momentum of a fight completely. Simply put, MMA fighters can’t afford to get distracted by an uncomfortable mouthguard that doesn’t fit properly or that feels like it wants to fall out in the middle of the fight.

MMA is physically very taxing and good breathing is vital for fighters. Big bulky mouthguards are difficult to breathe with and it can have a serious effect on your performance out in the octagon if you are having breathing difficulties. This is yet another reason why a high-quality mouthpiece is so important for MMA, as well as why a mouthguard is also recommended for similar combat sports such as Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu.

Final thoughts 

When we look at the injuries and frequency of injuries sustained by MMA fighters it is very easy to see why it is so important for fighters to wear a high-quality mouthguard. 

In addition to offering protection, mouthguards are also important for a variety of other reasons including peace of mind and comfort. 

The ability to step into the octagon without having to worry about if your mouthguard will protect you or if it will bother you during the fight is crucial. 


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Why a Mouthguard is so Important for MMA - mouthguardWhy a Mouthguard is so Important for MMA - mouthguardWhy a Mouthguard is so Important for MMA - mouthguardWhy a Mouthguard is so Important for MMA - mouthguardWhy a Mouthguard is so Important for MMA - mouthguard

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